games i've played in 2024
fri 06.12.24
tag: gaming

this is becoming a yearly habit now so let's get into it! this year's list is pretty hefty but to be honest some of these games weren't played in full. i also wanted to try and work through games that i've purchase through sales ages back but never got around to playing.
🤷️ = unfinished | 💖 = really enjoyed
new games
- 🤷 Grapple Dog: it looked fun and the visuals are top notch, unfortunately i didn't vibe too much with the game. maybe i'll give it another shot in the future.
- Fire Emblem: Binding Blade: i'm glad to have finally done a full playthrough of this. i shall not revisit it because it brought me a lot of pain 😂
- 💖 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: the level of content in this game is insane, and whilst i prefer the story in the first LAD, the way they portrayed the characters in this game is so good, i adore their interactions to bits. i continue to love ichiban, kiryu, and the whole gang. tomi and chitose are also fun additions to the team.
- 💖 START AGAIN a prologue: my friend purchased this and in stars and time for my birthday last year.
- 💖 In Stars and Time: probably my personal GOTY, this game had me emotional so many times, and i adore the main cast.
- 🤷 Endless Ocean: i was curious about the game since luminous was coming out and it seemed chill, however i wasn't too fond of the motion controls so i never got around to finishing it.
- Aviary Attorney: a game that i knew about for a long time but only recently bought this year.
- 🤷 Root Film: another game that i purchased out of curiosity after browsing through switch eshop sales, but i didn't vibe too much with this and dropped it.
- 💖 Paper Mario: Color Splash: finally got around to playing this game and it has the same level of charm and fun as origami king. i liked the combat less, but still had a good time overall.
- 🤷 Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon: i think by this time my desire to continue fe games were diminishing and i needed a break. please wait for my return marth.
- Trauma Center New Blood: glad to have finished the last trauma center game i haven’t played. some stages were brutal but at least streaming it made it amusing… i think.
- 💖 Coffee Talk: i've seen this game around and finally got the chance to play it this year. i adore the soundtrack to bits, this game has such a cosy vibe to it. yes you're essentially just making coffee or tea drinks to your customers and listening to their stories but it can get quite relatable sometimes.
- Blue Wednesday: another game where i enjoyed the soundtrack a lot. the game itself is... ok? kinda underwhelming but not terrible.
- 🤷 Mixolumia: "this game looks kinda neat" i thought to myself and bought it during a sale. i played for a bit and felt that it was just ok...
- 💖 Hades 2 (early access): god i can't wait for the full game.
- 💖 Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly: same vibes as the first game, and essentially an extension from it, another nice cosy game.
- Super Mario Land: did you know as a kid i never managed to beat this game, so it was nice to play it all. i may have used save states just so i didn’t have to worry about restarting everything.
- D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die -Season One-: it’s unfortunate this game was never finished, it was certainly… unique.
- 🤷 Golf Peaks + 🤷 Spring Falls: grouping these 2 together as they were bundle purchases that i decided to check out. the games are fine! but boy, i sure suck at puzzles.
- Duck Detective: The Secret Salami: a short yet pretty charming game. i recall the voice acting being pretty good and the visuals were very cute.
- 🤷 Top Run: for a while i was really into this one soundtrack crush ➚ and decided to check out the game where it was from. the game's fine but i did find that i couldn't play it for a long period of time.
- Lil Gator Game: was ok overall. was kinda hoping it would give me the same joy i felt from a short hike, as it was giving similar vibes but it doesn't quite get there.
- Gitaroo Man: was made aware that this game was created by the same team who created the ouendan games, and a friend wanted to see me play it. it got really difficult at times but overall, still had a good time with it. had a really catchy soundtrack.
- 💖 Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX: i picked this up cause it looked easier to play than project diva and honestly i enjoyed this game way more! it's a pretty solid rhythm game.
- Perfect Dark: another case of a game i played as a kid but never finished story-wise, so it was interesting to re-experience it as an adult.
- VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action: another game where i was drawn into by a really good soundtrack. i liked it overall, though it doesn't quite hit all the highs for me, but i can see why people would really like it.
- 🤷 Lovely Planet: i originally got this game cause there was a specific song that i really enjoyed from it. didn't get too far into the game itself since it became more frustrating than fun to play.
- KUUKIYOMI: Consider It! + KUUKIYOMI 2: Consider It More! - New Era: grouping these together since they're more or less similar. i originally saw snippets of these games through a stream and found them amusing, so it felt right to stream them myself. short but silly fun games.
- Lunistice: gave me a lot of toree 3d vibes, a fun platforming game.
- Wandersong: another game i had for a while but only got around to playing now. it was a good time with some emotional moments.
- 💖 Loddlenaut: this was a very chill and cosy game to play, it's the sort of game you can.
- 🤷 FFX-2 Last Mission: i had no idea what i was signing myself up for, this game frustrated me so much.
- 💖 Fields of Mistria (early access): the character designs in this game were so delightful. managed to play through a full in-game year and stopped to wait for the full release, i'm keen for it.
- Hi-Fi Rush: i see why people like it, had some frustrating moments and the movements would feel a little clunky to me at times but overall, it's a good time.
- 💖 Ys: The Oath in Felghana: ah. it’s the start of my descent into the ys series. the bosses in this game were brutal, and yet the gameplay and catchy soundtrack kept me in and yearning for more.
- 💖 Ace Attorney Investigations Collection: welcome back edgey my beloved. so glad there's an official localisation of this game now so others can experience AAI2. the new remixes and updated graphics also grew on me.
- 💖 Parking Garage Rally Circuit: i played the demo for this after watching tie's stream and really liked the feel of it. a short game but very solid in terms of gameplay, controls, graphics, and music. i honestly really like it a lot, even though racing games aren't my thing.
- Ys VI - The Ark of Napishtim: i wanted to continue the same gameplay style from felghana which was why i decided to pick this next. finished it faster compared to felghana but i suppose i was more used to the combat, plus i could actually heal during fights! i really adore the ost in this game too.
- WANDERERS FROM Ys: pain. glad i somehow managed to get though it for the sake of experiencing the original(?) or at least, an older version of ys 3.
- 💖 Metaphor: ReFantazio: i was a little intimidated at the start to play a... persona-lengthed game, but i ended up enjoying the demo and decided to go for it. i love the main party a lot, i also like louis a lot. love all the QoL enhancements that made this game quite fun to play through.
- Ys Origin: the last of the napishtim engine ys games, and a fun to play one at that. i just wish it wasn't just completely focused within the tower... despite the 3 different characters and respective stories, it was still a little repetitve at times.
- Ys I & II Chronicles+: ah bump combat, what a concept. some of the bosses were incredibly frustrating, but overall, these 2 games were alright.
- 💖 Ys X: Nordics: still making my way through this game but i know it's already a fav. love adol and karja's relationship. the combat can feel a bit sluggish at times but i'm improving, and of course with all ys games, the ost is spectacular.
replayed games
- Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade (Hector mode): fire emblem still had its hands on me at the start of this year, and i decided to speedrun hector mode for fun (without lyn mode).
- Fire Emblem Awakening: i forgot why i felt the desire to replay this game but it happened, another speedrun without recruiting all the kids. still a solid fe game.
- ABZU: replayed it simply because i felt like it.
- Elite Beat Agents + Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan + Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2: i was insane streaming these 3 games in full in a short span of time, but i still love them to death.
- Trauma Center: Under the Knife: this year i learnt i could speedrun the main story in 2.34hrs.
- Bravely Second demo + Bravely Second: as of right now i’m still streaming b2nd (kinda regret streaming such a long game but i’m trying my best to finish). it’s been a fun experience revisiting it and showing it off to viewers.
- Another Code: Two Memories: saw a stream of another code recollection which made me want to revisit the original again. and now that i have the collection for myself, perhaps i can play them… someday…
i used to include a section about games that i look forward to next year, but i've noticed a trend of me not playing any of the games i've mentioned so i won't bother this time 😂 if anything my main takeaway is to try and only buy games knowing that i will get around to playing them sooner rather than later, and not just buy for the sake of cheap sales or think "it's looks neat, i'll buy now and play later", i only have so much time after all...
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