gaming thread: Ys: Memories of Celceta

thu 26.12.24

tag: gaming thread

bit of an experiment with this post. i miss doing live posts of games i'm playing through, used to do it on twitter and cohost but now i don't want to create another social media account just for live gaming posts, so here we are?!

i honestly know pretty little about celceta other than it takes place between nordics and felghana, and it'll be the first party based gameplay style i'll experience in ys.

- ah yes, nothing like testing humanity's right to exist by causing havoc on the world, makes sense
- "false god of calamity" oh boy!
- you know it's the final fight when everyone in your party says "adol"
- yep, leave the faith of the world to adol, he'll save it
- ozma don't leave me! you're part of my main squad!! wait, everyone's leaving-
- ok i do like that eldeel was the one who gave the title 'adventurer' to adol
- the ending... was kinda lackluster... didn't quite finish in a satisfying way and felt abrupt. i had a glance to check if there was multiple endings that i may have missed out but nope, just the one. still enjoyed the game overall though i suppose

- the roos in this game are cute
- oh remnos you fool...
- well of course sol can talk
- oh... so his soul was inside... sol... this whole time
- looks like the final area... maybe i'll be able to finish the game tomorrow

- eldeel why do you have evil sitting inside of you?
- wow even in-game, adol gets asked if he's trying to get all the ladies in his adventures
- dogi is in the game!! remember dogi adol?! remember your partner?! dogi's portrait art is cute
- duren... frieda... what's your history together...
- well then, we learnt a lot about duren's actual motive
- galbalan?!
- the revealations keep coming!
- wait they found the celcetan flowers already and dr flair's gone back to esteria, and dogi's escorting him :(
- "you seem to get into trouble the second i take my eyes off of you, and i'd rather not have to hire a babysitter! i don't wanna come back and find that you've gotten yourself shipwrecked or thrown in jail again, you know?" well about that dogi...

- why did we encounter adol's gravestone?
- adol: "i don't remember dying!"
- love that duren immediately expects trouble by adol every time they come to a new town
- did we just meet god in this game?
- calilica just because you're a kid, doesn't mean you should bite people

- oh adol what have you been doing to get the villagers mad at you...
- the spardas look cute

- the portrait art in this game is kinda cute! the 3d models might need some getting used to though...
- oh no, adol's got amnesia i see
- i see big white-haired guy duren is already on our side
- i'm sucking at the controls atm but it does seem kinda similar to nordics in some aspects, that's not surprising
- my heart was not prepared to see baby adol or his dad :')

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