update 3: descending into the world of ys

sun 19.1.25

tag: gaming

(a continuation of this original post | update 1 | update 2)

a pure coincidence that i'm updating this again after basically a month. thought i could hold it off until i finished them all, but figured would forget more details if i left it. 3 more ys games completed this time.

1. Ys Origin
✔️ have played (finished 23.11.24)

2. Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished: Omen
✔️ have played (finished 28.11.24)

3. Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter
✔️ have played (finished 30.11.24)

4. Ys X: Nordics
✔️ have played (finished 15.12.24)

5. Ys: Memories of Celceta (Ys IV)
✔️ have played (finished 3.1.25) | gaming thread
aside from nordics, this was basically my first proper ys party-based combat, and overall had a good time. i really like the art style/portraits, i really liked seeing glimpses of adol's actual childhood. i still don't like how this game ended and will continue to be bitter about it. maybe i need to check out the other variations of the game for comparison.

6. Ys: The Oath in Felghana (Ys III)
✔️ have played (finished 28.9.24)

6.5. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (Ys III)
✔️ have played (finished 23.10.24)

7. Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
✔️ have played (finished 5.1.25) | gaming thread
the bosses in this game felt the easiest out of the series, but that's not to say i didn't have a flawless time at it. i remember resorting to a guide for a few areas cause it wasn't clear where i needed to go. i wonder if it'll be remade in the future...

8. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
✔️ have played (finished 19.1.25) | gaming thread
the fan favourite, and i can see why. the game did take some time to pick up the pace but i ended up enjoying dana a lot and the main party. music + combat + art = all great as per usual. the game was a bit buggy at times and some of the quests and activities felt more frustrating than fun to me. i'd also get lost more than i would have liked even though i had a map...

9. Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
✔️ have played (finished 13.10.24)

10. Ys SEVEN
❌ purchased but not played
next on the list! crazy that i only have 2 ys games left to finish...

11. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
❌ purchased but not played

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