gaming thread: Ys Seven

fri 24.1.25

tag: gaming thread

ys seven! all i know about the game is playable dogi and geis is a party member. i wonder why this game doesn't seem to have a unique title like the other games...

- actually didn't do too much grinding, a few more levels where everyone was at or just under 60, and made sure to equip their strongest skills
- final boss was still rough but i got through it! the root is defeated at last! altago is saved!
- maya how did you know tia was here?
- aughhhh of course she can finally speak in their final meeting :')
- "but wanderlust tugs at him like an invisible string. a peaceful land like this can't hold him for long!" typical adol moving onto his next adventure the moment he's done helping out in altago
- ah no post credits scene or extras from the looks of things
- overall, it was alright. it definitely took a while for me to start enjoying the game due to the clunky gameplay and dated settings, which i didn't think would annoy me so much considering i played celceta recently (and figured my experience would feel similar to how i switched from felghana to napishtim). i can see why people would consider this game a fav in terms of lore, the second half of the game was a lot more interesting. it'd be nice to see a more modern remake of this at some point

- these crystals are slow and tedious to turn, not a fan
- i could only bother to grind for adol's best weapon, i did it all for you my son
- hold up scias' new look is kinda hot lmao
- was this all set in motion because maya fell ill...
- ok this final boss is kinda kicking my ass atm and i'm worried i gotta go back and level up my party more...
- like i do like the idea of the party splitting up and working together but man, this boss is brutal
- my mood is getting agitated. guess it's back to the grind before doing this fight again

- water dragon down, just one more to go
- raud's still a dick but at least he's not heartless to leave a dyin kid
- ok straight to the moon dragon i guess, can you please help us stop world destruction?
- ooof was cutting it close against the moon dragon, barely survived
- a cycle of death and rebirth huh
- ah adol, you're representing all life in altago my friend
- "you can fight her, but you won't win and the world will still be destoryed, sorry for the burden" moon dragon my dude, why
- geis: "a hope that's destined to fail... heh... seems about right for you." geis don't be an ass right now
- akldjlasdj get his ass dogi! that's right adol's your partner and little buddy
- well... of souls... final dungeon time
- hopefully i can get through it next time i play! or could be a case of me trying to grind some levels and strong weapons...

- had an easier time with the fire dragon but i may have had the weapon advantage from the get go... i obviously should have focused on piercing attacks against the wind dragon ooops
- cruxie no?!
- of course good boy adol will choose saving an ill child now over screwing over the world lol
- cruxie joining us?! and replacing mustafa??
- dead dragon knights bodies everywhere? all drenched in blood? sounds very grim
- oh, raud's dad kicked the bucket too i guess
- who is this white-robed mystery figure... it's not... them... is it?
- dang how nice of you to tell adol he could leave altago to avoid the wind of destruction
- chill geis you're not kicking adol out from this, he's seeing this through to the end
- it's interesting to see the main party changing up time and time again during the story, welcome back aisha in place of injured sigroon

- one earth dragon done, plenty more dragons to go. the different boss phases were pretty neat
- i really don't remember the locations of all the other markings shown during the journey, i expected them to come to play somehow but man... finding them blindly is not really fun
- mishera what do you mean you can just replace these soldier's memories?
- oooft the wind dragon was a pain
- gotta hate on corrupt people in power
- tia what are you planning girl?

- ayo geis' master? elder of iska as well
- ok adol our dragon warrior, it's up to you to stop the dreaded wind of destruction
- dogi: "there's no way he could refuse your offer when you put it like that. adol will do anything for adventure!" that's our boy
- eyyy most of the elders of each tribe are here, our party's mostly back together
- what do you mean i can't access wrap anymore?
- oh welcome in sigroon i guess, our party's rather big now
- the pikkard 3d model in this game looks hilarious
- feeling more tired than usual tonight so not able to deal with the earth dragon tonight, but hey he's a chunky looking fellow

- kava kelos was kinda rough to fight, probably went into it underleveled too
- iska... iskan fever...
- well ok one more seal to go, and we're going back to altago city
- kiemarl: "it is not difficult to keep tabs on the likes of you. your subterfuge skills are... not at the highest of levels." well aisha you tried
- ok... ruins island sounds like a place of no return for a while, got it
- i'm still annoyed that i have 1 quest missing because i didn't start it on time
- dragon knight: "aaand, my job's done here. don't know why you're going, and frankly, i don't care. i'm outta here. good luck!" that's my favourite knight right there
- who are you helping out geis... you mystery man... also yes please join me
- i'm glad the game gave me a pierce sword for adol so i can keep geis on my main party
- ... the king was murdered while we were gone wasn't he?
- whoa is adol getting tortured through whipping?!
- adol's gonna get executed tomorrow?! who framed adol for this crime?? ok dang this game has my interest now
- wait you're going to execute adol by sending a ferocious monster after him? you know that's gonna backfire. ok aisha thanks for believing in us
- "i don't care what actually happens to him but i do owe him for canaan" gee thank geis old buddy
- yaaassss dogi's here with the bridge punching, and geis looking blank-faced
- tia... what role are you playing here exactly...?

- how long is it going to take before adol and dogi knows aisha's true identity lol
- mustafa is obviously wary of us but hopefully it doesn't take too long for him to warm up to the party
- geis? what are you doing at the palace my dude, are you trying to attack someone there?
- wait the fever hardens hands and feet like stone? what kinda illness is this
- punch zanzibar in the face dogi!!
- does no one know what the princess looks like...?
- welp, poor maya. this is unfortunate
- ok scias did the princess reveal
- we finally bump into geis. buddy why do you want to fight first thing?
- mishera: "it seems the dragons have chosen you" dogi: "yeah he gets that a lot, you'd be surprised"

- oh no another game where adol and dogi start off on a ship
- ok so there's a ceasefire between romn and altago which is why we're able to travel to altago now
- these 3d models are certainly something, i guess the version of celceta i played is a more recent remake
- flower girl you're a little sus, you better not be bad
- how rude, calling us poor commoners
- eh? balsam's gone missing? and zanzibar's taken over...
- we barely started our new journey and got arrested on suspicion of being spies, great
- who this white haired man?! i saw you fighting adol in the opening so i'm sus of you too
- oh? the king's acquianted with pirate ladoc
- dogi: "sounds like a perfect job for you, adol. no boats involved!" oh dogi you smart one
- "use adol for soft enemies and dogi for hard enemies" ok game
- it's not often i get to defeat a boss first try, but if it weren't for the 3 potions i got/found at the start, i would have surely died
- the combat feels a lot more basic... i guess this might be the first ys party-based game perhaps?
- the king just had a coughing fit, is he gonna die later on?
- not sure if it's just the game being dated but it's not enticing me as much compared to celceta (since they're both psp games). doesn't help that there's lack in voice acting, no warp (but maybe i need to progress more), and no map icons too
- dragon gods...
- seeing the options "give thing" vs "MINE" in a sidequest i'm doing caught me off-guard, adol chill buddy
- actually a bunch of these quests are just "please collect all these items for me".....
- first it was bratty boy elk, now it's bratty girl aisha (who's probably the princess)
- every boss fight so far i really had to rely on healing items to keep everyone alive

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