update 4 (final): descending into the world of ys

sun 16.2.25

tag: gaming

(a continuation of this original post | update 1 | update 2 | update 3)

it's been roughly another month, and my ys journey has ended (for now until more games come out i guess haha). what a time it has been. i adore adol christin with all my heart; he's my favourite red-haired adventurer.

1. Ys Origin
✔️ have played (finished 23.11.24)

2. Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished: Omen
✔️ have played (finished 28.11.24)

3. Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter
✔️ have played (finished 30.11.24)

4. Ys X: Nordics
✔️ have played (finished 15.12.24)

5. Ys: Memories of Celceta (Ys IV)
✔️ have played (finished 3.1.25) | gaming thread

6. Ys: The Oath in Felghana (Ys III)
✔️ have played (finished 28.9.24)

6.5. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
✔️ have played (finished 23.10.24)

7. Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
✔️ have played (finished 5.1.25) | gaming thread

8. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
✔️ have played (finished 19.1.25) | gaming thread

9. Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
✔️ have played (finished 13.10.24)

10. Ys SEVEN
✔️ have played (finished 6.2.25) | gaming thread
i know this game seems to be well loved for its lore and that's valid, i liked the story too. but i did find myself enjoying it less due to the combat being unrefined (makes sense being the first party system game), and needing the story to pick up in the later half (the coliseum fight + escape is a big highlight).

11. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
✔️ have played (finished 16.2.25) | gaming thread
lucky last ys game and i'm glad i ended on this one to understand a bunch of the ys references throughout. the combat is very flashy but i was having fun and i really liked exploring areas with monstrum gifts (the wide field areas outside of the city were a bit of a pain though).

11.5. Ys IX Prequel: The Lost Sword
✔️ have read (finished 17.2.25)
yes i know this isn't a game but since i managed to get my hands on it, figured why not give a read through? it was cute getting an insight into adol and dogi's interactions while travelling. poor adol is truly cursed to lose legendary weapons every time. maybe he can find the bird and take caliocerion back someday.

now that i've gone through all the mainline games, i suppose i should give a ranking of some kind right? crazy to think i went through all these games in half a year. none of the games were 100% perfect or flawless, but there were definitely ones that i enjoyed more than others.

thanks for the fun memories ys, you're definitely a favourite in my book.

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