sometimes you need that reminder that everything will be ok
this is a compilation of quotes i've gathered from friends, colleagues, and various media. perhaps it may help you too.
- "the people who choose to be in our lives do so because maybe, just maybe we bring the very goodness and quality into THEIR lives that we already cherish in them"
- "if you don't schedule a break, your body will take one for you. and it probably won't be at a convenient time"
- "when i find myself in a rut and i've got a lot to do, i say to myself "stop thinking, start doing.""
- "take care of your time because that's the most important thing that you'll never get back"
- "there's no point in being online and "working" without being productive - you're better off taking time to regroup. please don't ever feel bad about that. it's ok to take a break if you need it"
- "sometimes you just need to learn to accept that things would not go back the way it used to be. people change. circumstances change. hearts also change. with every ending, there is a new beginning"
- "it's ok, don't push yourself. just give it another shot, ok? you can do it"
- "one day of fear or a lifetime filled with regret. which one do you pick?"
- "self-hate will leave you with a hole that will never heal. so please take measures against it instead of sulking so much"
- "no matter what you do, there will always be people who oppose you. don't let them pull you down and erode your self-confidence. how they perceive you is beyond your control"
- "some people practice until they can get it right. others practice until they can't get it wrong"
- "the horrors persist, but so do i"
- "invest your energy into things that matter to you"

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